Are you showing your smoke alarms the T.L.C. they NEED in order to protect you, your property and your loved ones?
Test - Manufacturers specify their devices must be tested regularly. For many that I see, this requirement is WEEKLY!
Look - Look at the ‘Replace By Date’ on your smoke alarms. Smoke alarms must be replaced after TEN years even if they are still working!
Change/Clean - Change replaceable batteries every twelve months. Clean: Keep your smoke alarms free of cobwebs and dust particles by passing the hoover around the device.
If a fire started in your home, I’m certain that you or anyone else in this situation would want as much notice as possible so that the property can be vacated quickly and safely.
The sad truth is, there are so many homes in South Bristol that do not have smoke alarms installed! Many of the homes that do have them are not fitted with batteries, haven’t been tested in years, or are no longer fit for service!
I will always remember visiting a client's home in Greville Road, Southville. It had SIX smoke alarms installed throughout the property but on inspection, every single one of them was missing a battery and the cover had been closed over. When discussing this with the homeowner, we were able to establish that a possible reason for this could have been when the property floors were sanded during a refurbishment. Dust and steam will trigger smoke alarms so there’s a possibility that the batteries were removed to prevent them from continuously sounding. If this was the case, then somebody should have taken the responsibility to ensure the batteries were reinstalled correctly before leaving the property.
Does the property you own or the property you live in have working smoke alarms?
Even though smoke alarms aren’t covered by the BS7671 Electrical Wiring Regulations that Electricians work to, It’s still something that I like to check or discuss with a client during my visit to their property.
T is for TEST:

If you haven’t tested your smoke alarms in the last month then I want you to stop reading immediately and go and test them! If you are reading this at work or away from your home then stop reading and put a reminder in your diary, or on your phone to ensure you check them as soon as you get home. This is a really simple procedure. The test button will be marked with the word TEST. Push and hold the test button for 3-5 seconds and wait for the device to sound. If you have a system that links to the other alarms in the property then all of the alarms will also be triggered and should sound.
PLEASE NOTE: This sound is very loud. If you have young children then involve them in what you are doing and get them to protect their ears.
Did you stop reading and check or make a note? Don’t let your busy life prevent you from doing this. Your life or the life of a loved one could depend on this simple action!
L is for Look: Are your smoke alarms fit for purpose?

Did you know that smoke alarms should be replaced after TEN years, even if they still continue to work? Manufacturers are unable to guarantee that their devices will successfully operate every time once this time period has passed.
New devices come with a date label fitted to the external part of the device which is visible without having to remove the device from its position. Older models have the date label on the underside of the device or on the inside (depending on the device).

Whilst looking at your smoke alarm, check that it is installed correctly on the base. Many alarms will only operate if the device is correctly installed to the base. If the alarm cover opens, is it closed correctly?

C is for Check & Clean: When were your batteries last replaced or when were the devices last cleaned?

Batteries should be changed every 12 months. An ideal time to do this is when the clocks change either in the spring or autumn. It is also important to check that the batteries have been correctly installed. This is also an ideal opportunity to run the vacuum cleaner around the device to clear any dust or cobwebs that may have built up since the last inspection.
Are your smoke alarms providing you with the level of protection that you desire?
The South Bristol property market has been booming for years now and whilst they do get refurbished, one item that often seems to get overlooked is the smoke alarm.
When a property changes hands, it’s an ideal time to update electrical accessories and safety devices such as smoke alarms. The market continues to evolve and there are some really clever devices available now.

There are even devices that the homeowner can install themselves without having to touch the electrical installation.
Aico are probably THE market leaders and most commonly installed devices. They use a particular tamper device that can catch people out. If you need help removing the device then take a look at my short, simple video here and please leave a comment if you found it useful.
Below you can watch my video on HOW TO Remove an Aico Smoke Alarm
There really is no excuse to have an outdated or compromised smoke detection system in your home. For more advice you can contact your local electrician, a fire alarm expert of even the Fire Brigade.
Ensure you are protected against the risk of fire, check your alarms today!